You're time is valuable, and anything you can make more efficient – automate – is a good thing.
Hot on the heels of our last article, the folks at Infusionsoft again bring us another gem.
26 pages of content made available in a free download containing some useful info, including:
- How 80% of top performing companies are getting more leads and customers in less time—and how you can steal their secrets
- Waiting even 30 minutes to make contact decreases your odds of qualifying a lead by 21 times, as compared to calling within five minutes (and how to fix that)
- Think of automation software as the project manager for your sales team
- Welcome emails have an open rate of nearly 58 percent—compared with less than 15 percent for other promotional emails
- The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 to 70 percent—compared with 5 to 20 percent for a new prospect
- “The more, the merrier” doesn’t apply to email lists
- Use automation to beef up your social media followers.
- Trigger automatic reminders to call customers about expiring credit cards
… and most of that is in the first 50% of the download. Plenty of tips that could make real, actionable difference in your bottom line!
Here's the link to the free download