one funnel away challenge review with happy successful people and a sales funnel trophy

One Funnel Away Challenge Review

The One Funnel Away Challenge (OFA) by Russell Brunson is a 30-day program promising to catapult entrepreneurs from funnel-building newbies to profit-generating masters. But is it all hype, or a genuine pathway to online business success? Let's dive deep:

Pros vs Cons


  • Structured Framework: OFA provides a clear, step-by-step roadmap for building a high-converting sales funnel, even if you're starting from scratch.
  • Actionable Content: Daily video modules, live coaching calls, and downloadable resources offer practical guidance and keep you on track.
  • Supportive Community: The OFA Facebook group and forum foster connection and motivation among fellow challengers, creating a valuable support network.
  • Emphasis on Psychology: Brunson's expertise in marketing psychology is woven into the program, helping you understand your target audience and craft compelling messaging.
  • Affordable Price Point: At $100, OFA offers a relatively low barrier to entry compared to other high-ticket coaching programs.

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  • Intensive Time Commitment: OFA demands daily dedication. Be prepared to invest time in learning, implementing, and participating in community activities. True to note that like everything else in life, you have to do the work. We listed it as one of the cons, but that's just so people who look for no work/get rich schemes filter out. This is not a get-rich-quick thing. This is a business, and it requires work and professionalism.
  • Upsells: While the core program is affordable, prepare for additional offers for premium tools and resources, which can add up.
  • Guru Culture: Some may find the program's emphasis on Brunson's personal brand and “guru” status off-putting, but our review team found quite the opposite: that Russell came off as a warm, humble, helpful, and knowledgeable person in service to the community and not elevating above it.
  • Oversimplified Model: While OFA's framework is valuable, building a successful business often involves more than just a single funnel. That said, our One Funnel Away challenge review team found that the oversimplification made it easier to get started faster, and we found that the model scales well into multiple (and into a variety of) funnels.
  • Not for Everyone: The program's fast-paced nature to get you to launch may not suit everyone's learning style or business goals, though our one funnel away challenge review might wonder who wouldn't want to get to launch in as fast and easy way as possible?

Verdict on the One Funnel Away Challenge

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a solid option for aspiring entrepreneurs and solopreneurs ready to commit to building their first sales funnel. Its structured approach, actionable content, and supportive community offer valuable resources for beginners. However, it's important to manage expectations. The One Funnel Away Challenge is a launchpad, not a guaranteed shortcut to overnight success. You'll need to put in the work, adapt the framework to your specific niche, and be prepared for additional expenses.

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